Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Network is the Learning

              Image result for connectivism
A learner today is like a luxury car in an extra limited edition. Cars with advanced auto function run faster, provide bigger and more comfortable space for people and also avoid accidents with those detective sensors, so with these advanced functions, this car could be a more popular car among the other ones; same like learners today, the ones with the ability of keep themselves to stay current in the field could always learn more, learn faster and learn more broadly, so they can always be on top of their field.

Image result for connectivismAfter reading Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, I really agree what Driscoll(2000) defines learning as “ a persisting change in human performance or performance potential…[which] much come about as a result of the learner’s experience and interaction with the world”. This actually reminds me of the experience I had when I was an interpreter. As an interpreter, what I do is not only translate one language to another, what’s more, it’s more like an exchange of information, and I need to keep myself updated daily by searching information and knowledge online or listen to news in order to do so. Thus, by doing my own researches online and interact with my advisor and colleagues I gained information for the work that was coming. And not only for my interpreting career, but also when I was learning Spanish. I started to learn Spanish two years ago, and I decided to learn it by myself instead of join a Spanish program since I couldn’t afford it. So what I did was downloaded an app on my phone, and joined a Spanish learning forum online. To my surprises, there are plenty of Spanish learning sources in that forum and most of them are easy to follow and easy-understanding steps for beginners, which by applying them and interacting with the users also sign for it, I learned a new language and got to know more things than just language itself.

What I learned the most from the above two experiences was not the skill or language themselves, instead, it’s always connect to the others, or even, to the outside world to keep myself updated. So like The Network is the Learning video states “The way we are connect to other individuals is largely responsible for our ability to continue to stay current in the field”. 

1 comment:

  1. ¡Muy bien! Me gusta la idea que somos muy importante en el intercambio del información y las experiencias de nuestros estudiantes. Las conexiones son esencial en educación hoy.
